Asphalt roads are a common sight throughout the state. However, that doesn’t mean myths don’t still circulate about asphalt paving that make people skeptical...
Sealcoating helps protect your asphalt driveway from UV rays, precipitation, and automobile fluids. However, did you know that ...
If you have an asphalt driveway or parking lot, you might be wondering if asphalt sealcoating is necessary or just an additional expense. Just like any other...
Did you know that your asphalt parking lot affects the curb appeal of your business? The health of your company depends on....
What makes asphalt better than concrete and other paving materials? Unlike other pavement types...
Once the snow is gone for good, many business owners are surprised to see more cracks and potholes than they remembered seeing...
There shouldn’t be any standing water in your parking lot, especially when it’s been a few days since the last rain. Our experienced contractors are waiting...
Our Southeast MI paving contractors are committed to working efficiently and producing quality results. However, not all asphalt...
As many longtime Michigan residents know, there are two seasons in Michigan- Winter & Construction season. As a particularly long...
Does your parking lot need asphalt paving or sealcoating? If the answer is yes, our Southeastern MI asphalt contractors recommend...
Once the snow melts, asphalt companies will get plenty of calls for driveway sealcoating. If this is your first time sealcoating...
When the snow melts, you may notice more cracks and potholes in your asphalt driveway than there were...
The best way to avoid asphalt driveway repairs is to invest in sealcoating. Driveway sealer helps protect...
When the snow melts, you may notice more parking lot potholes than what you remember seeing last fall. This is...
Is your asphalt parking lot protected against winter weather? Many commercial property owners are unaware of how...
Did you know that recycled asphalt is less expensive than new asphalt and is just as durable? Our Southeast MI ...
When was the last time you had your driveway or parking lot inspected by an asphalt paving contractor? If several years have gone by...
How long has it been since you last had your parking lot or driveway paved? If it’s been about 20 years and you’re starting to notice...
If you consider a small crack or pothole in your parking lot to not be a big deal, our Southeast MI asphalt repair contractors urge you to think again...
Do you know what your pavement needs? Our Southeast MI asphalt contractors offer a range of services that include professional sealcoating...
When the snow melts, you may be left with faded pavement markings. Not only do faded parking lot stripes suggest...
The value of an asphalt parking lot extends well beyond what you paid for it. Our Southeast MI asphalt...
Are the cracks in your parking lot worth worrying about just yet, or should they be repaired right away? This is a question...
Given proper maintenance, your asphalt pavement can last up to 20 years. However, did you know that pavement goes through distinct life stages...
We understand that looking for an asphalt contractor can be stressful. This is why we...
Protect your asphalt driveway or paved parking lot through proper asphalt maintenance from Allied Construction. Our asphalt...
Driveways or parking lots properly paved with asphalt make your home or business stand out from the rest. However, in order to keep...
Everyday people are on the roads commuting back and forth from their daily routines. Imagine if we stil...
Maybe you have heard - that Water Wins, Every Time - This is true for many construction and maintenance items - Pavement in particular is very susceptible to water damage....
Houston we have a problem. Baldwin Commons is a very busy, full center with lots of diverse stores that leads to many retail customers...